Katy with the feels.



I am inspired every day by the people, places and things in my life. I will use this space to share more of those inspirations. What lights me up? What lights you up? Have a look below to explore — and let’s share and grow together!

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2022- Hello New Friend! So happy to be here and ready to see how this year comes to life for us. I am not a big resolutions person- I wonder if that surprises anyone? But I am someone that likes to establish a word of the year. In 2021 I landed on PRESENT. Being present is not easy in the world we live in. Lots of “what’s next” energy is always around. But I tried my hardest to silence that and in my opinion i was successful.

This year…my word is….


This word came to me as I thought about all the work we do as people. We welcome in expansion by saying YES, spending a night with friends, buying fashion moments, new passion projects, going on a date and so on and so forth. For me, i want to continue to claim that my cup runneth over and see what expanding magic can unfold. I don’t know what this will look like, I am still living that 2021 PRESENT word and trying to let life come to me as unfolds. But I do know that I am a pretty dope person, who has manifested a life that I am pretty thrilled with, so with that, the 2022 expansion pack is going to be MAJOR. I can feel it! New drinking game on how many times I said expansion?

What is your word? How are you living this year? I would love to hear!

These are a few of my favorite things….


My Go-To Face Oil.

I know it says it’s sold out, but I've got a plug. DM me!


Yes, Dress.

Loving this simple dress from Amazon — the colors, the vibe — so sexy and easy.


I love gold!

There’s a family jewelry store in Logan Square I love to support.

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A (super) human who inspires me.


read me.

My current must-read book.